Movie Tarot Card Deck
Be guided by the stars in this unique new tarot inspired by movie characters, Movie Tarot! begins with Tom Hanks in Forrest
Gump as the Fool, Morgan Freeman in Shawshank Redemption for Temperance, and Julie Andrews in the Sound of Music for
the Sun, and you’ll find a perfectly suited character represents every card.
Includes 78 cards that work as a fully functional tarot deck, plus a booklet which explains the choice of movie stars and the deeper personality traits they embody, as well as information on how to interpret the cards and conduct your own readings.
Includes 78 cards that work as a fully functional tarot deck, plus a booklet which explains the choice of movie stars and the deeper personality traits they embody, as well as information on how to interpret the cards and conduct your own readings.
Subscriber Price: $16.19